We partner with organizations and workers in taking action towards change by creating customized long term projects tailored to address the organization’s specific needs. On this page you will find some of the projects we are currently working on and those we have completed in the past. If you too have a project in mind, feel free to contact us about your idea!
We supported the Koç Community in their “Ülkem için Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğini Destekliyorum” (I Support Gender Equality for My Country) project, which focused on developing a more egalitarian approach to work cultures and social life, that took place between 2015-2018. Through our diverse trainings, we contributed to cultural change in the Koç community by working together with companies, distributors and workers. In this capacity we reached 15120 by conducting 283 awareness and skill building trainings among workers. Furthermore, we trained 336 educators in the Koç Community who can continue to raise awareness about gender equality. We are grateful to have taken part in this project which contributed to the Koç community in becoming an exemplary organization with its policies and practices.
From implementing quotas in hiring to creating policies to protect work life balance, we joined Ford Otosan’s efforts towards gender equality in 2017 with their aim to raise awareness among its own staff and its suppliers. Our contribution to this effort came in the form of providing awareness training for 1500 staff, while also creating a sustainable foundation to continue this awareness by training 40 educators among 36 of their suppliers. To this day we continue to provide tailored trainings for them on important days such as Father’s Day and November 25th International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The Borusan Group created the “Borusan is Equal” platform on November 2015 which aimed to solidify equality in the mentality and practices in many areas, ranging from human resources policies, to communication, trainings and management. During our partnership with this platform between 2018-2020 we provided 13 seminars where raised awareness for 588 workers. Our work with group member companies in this capacity is currently ongoing.
Known for having the highest ratio of women staff and managers in Turkey, FİBA Grup set itself the aim to ensure that gender equality becomes a permanent standard of their work culture and launched their “Gender Equality Committee” in 2018. In order to amplify their efforts towards this goal, we collaborated with various group member companies’ human resources departments and provided trainings for 2300 workers. We continue to provide support in the creation of a work group that will be tasked with implementing the policies and practices put forward by the committee.
Reklam Verenler Derneği (Association of Advertisers)
The Association of Advertisers created the Gender Equality in Advertising Board in order to rid commercials of entrenched gender representations, and to show women and men in all their varieties and provide equal representation. As partners, we collaborated with them in starting trainings to raise awareness in the sector, and create more egalitarian and progressive advertising practices. Key players in transforming the advertising sector such as members of the Gender Equality in Advertising Board and the Advertising Self-Regulatory Board, leading companies in advertising and advertising agency workers took part in the trainings where we discussed ways in which gender equality could be achieved.
The Business Against Domestic Violence Project (BADV)
With the support of the Sabancı Foundation and the partnership of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) and UNFPA, we provided trainings for the “The Business Against Domestic Violence Project” (BADV) organized by the Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum. In this project that aimed to raise awareness around violence against women in the professional world and to create mechanism and methods to increase the effectiveness of women’s participation in the workforce, we conducted gender equality trainings between 2019-2020 and took part in project’s aim reaching the corporate world.
As a part of the Gender Equality Plan implemented under the Ozyegin University’s (OzU) 2018-2023 strategies, we provided gender equality awareness trainings among their employees. With the aim of creating a work environment that is sensitive to gender equality in all administrative units, we conducted 6 trainings and reached 278 employees.
Fenerbahçe Sports Club & HeForShe Movement
We are working together with women workers in the supply chain of Inditex Group, which is present in over 200 countries and has over 7000 retail stores. The aim is to contribute to each women’s professional development to strengthen their representation and participation in garment factories. In 2019, through the pilot implementation of Together Strong Program we have reached 37 women and raised awareness of gender equality among the entire workerforce at a factory in Bagcılar, Istanbul. Also, with the support of Inditex, in parallel we have developed a training program on Gender equality that aims to reach workers in garment and other sectors. Our collaboration with Inditex continues to expand.